Thursday, December 16, 2010

Gregor Mendal's Pea Experiment

  In 1866, a great scientist named Gregor Mendal published his finding fro a pea plant experiment.  Based on the experiment, Mendal found out the dominant and recessive heredity.  Mendel cross-pollinated smooth yellow pea plants with wrinkly green peas.  Every single pea in the first generation crop was as yellow and as round as was the yellow, round parent.  Mendel learned from this that there are two kinds of traits - dominant and recessive.  The dominant traits are the yellow color and the round shape since they show up at the expense of the green color and the wrinkly shape.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Should Parents Able to Pick Children's traits.

  Based on the current science skills, we do not have enough knowledge to accomplish picking traits for a baby.  In addition, I do not think pick traits for babies is a bright idea becasue the genetics is the only thing to design the baby.  Otherwise, we change the baby's traits is like a way to change a person to another one.  In the movie "Gattca," the parents have choosed the traits for Vincent; however, we cannot change the traits of babies in the modern times due to we are still investigating the interesting science world.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Zha Cai and Fermentation

  In China, everyone knows a tasty food named Zha cai (the pungent mustard stews), which is made by fermentation.  The taste of Zha cai is a combination of spicy, sour, and salty.  Zha cai is originated in Sichuan, China, and it became to a popular food in everywhere of the world.  Fermentation is an essential part of making Zha cai, and it looks like the same way to make Korean kimchi.  In ancient China, Chinese people do not have any vegetables during winter; therefore, they used the mustards' stems to make Zha cai.  These Chinese people put stems, pepper, and salt together in a water vat.  After several days, they take these stem out and cut into little pieces.  The chefs may use these pieces to stir-fry the dinner, to stew soups, and to make side dishes.  Fermentation occurs when the stems in the water.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How far should the government go in isolating people with an infectios diseases? Should the army be involved?

  The government can isolate patient because of the infectious disease.  These patients should be generous since more people may get the same disease and die.  However, the military force can be a part of isolation if these patients look angry and try to come out by force.  The military can only encircle these people but not kill them.  The patients also need to cooperate well due to all of us are caring about their lives.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Enter a Hotzone Biocontainment

First, I would wear a gown and a pair of gloves.  Also, A safety goggles also is an essential part.  Then, I would wear leather boots since the hot zone is extremely dangerous.  I need carefully enter the biocotainment without touching other dangerous stuffs.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

IM of Contagious Disease: Conjunctiva

Superman(Eyes): Hey, what do you want to do with me?
Killer(Conjunctiva): I want to change you into a oink man.
Superman: Oh, can you?
Killer: Yeah, I lubricate your eyes first by producing tears and mucus.
Superman: Don't hurt me!
Killer: I need to to cover your sclera and eyelash line.
Superman: You have to watch out!
Killer: Why?
Superman: Because I can use my useful eyedropperss.
Killer: You already become infectious.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Diamonte Poem of Marburg

Infectious, hemorrhagic,
Enveloping, spiraling, branching,
Headache, fever, malaise, chills,
Jaundicing, swelling, dying,
Unsegmented, single-stranded,

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A good prokaryote and a harmful microorganism

  Lactobacillus is a good prokaryote because it is a industrial ingredient of yogurt, cheese, beer, wine, cider... etc  In addition, Lactobacillus is lactic acid in its environment; therefore, its production can prevent the growth of some harmful bacterias.  Lactobacillus locates in the intestines and vagina to prevent the entrance out of harmful organisms.  Lactobacillus also has several potential therapeutic uses, such as treat diarrhea or high cholesterol.

  HIV is a most common harmful virus, and it can cause AIDS.  HIV virus always exists in blood, semen, vaginal fluids, or breast milk.  The major transmissions of HIV are blood transfusion and unsafe sex.  AIDS causes  respiratory tract infections, prostatitis, skin rashes, and oral ulcerations. 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Summary of "A distant Earth-like exoplanet 'could have life'"

  In the universe, there is a Earth-like exoplanet which is just discovered by scientists.  This exoplanet planet named Gliese 581g and locates 20 light-year away in its star "Goldilocks zone."  The researchers from UCSC and Carnegie Institution of Washington have been studying a star named Red Dwarf near by Gliese 581g for 11 years.  Right now, Gliese 4581g is the planet that scientists found most Earth-like.  The mass Gliese 581g has a mass that is three to four times of Earth.  Gliese 581g orbits its sun in 37 days, and it is  a rocky world.  However, the average surface temperature of the planet is estimated about -12c to -31c.  The scientist has found nearly 500 other worlds other than our Solar System.  More information on

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Are non carbon based life forms possible? Why or why not?

  Every organism in this world contains carbon in their body.  However, are non carbon based life forms possible?  I disagree this statement because carbon is a main element in our bodies, so we are not normal people if we do not have carbon.  In addition, carbon is made up 18% huam body.  Carbon dixoxide also can control the aging process.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Should U.S. switich its measurment system?

   Several years ago, NASA failed its rocket, and main reason of this accident is because NASA did not use the same measure system as other countries.  In addition, a new issue occurred which is should U.S. switch the measurement to metric system.  I myself support this suggestion.  First, different measure systems can make the students chaotic, especially a immigrant student.  In China, everyone learns metric system; thus, the Chinese students do not know what are "mile", "inch", or "feet".  When I came to the United States fire\st time, I did not have the concepts of U.S. measure system.  Furthermore, various measure systems may cause some accidents, such as the issue of NASA.  On the other hand, the metric system is an international system, so most countries use this measure system. More informations on

Saturday, September 4, 2010

my goals of biology class and new school years

  It is a new school year, and I already become to an freshman at Alhambra High School.  My first goal of this school year is to gain more credits and have a high GPA.  In my biology class, I have to learn the knowledge as much as I can.  In addition, I will be a friend with all of my classmates and my teacher.